Teaser Calculator

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Being able to calculate how much a bet returns for any given stake is one of the basics of betting and our Bet Calculator simplifies this process for bettors. A bet can be broken down into two elements; the Stake - how much you risk, and the Payout - your potential return including your Stake. Adjustable Rate Mortgage Calculator Example. Bean has taken a loan for a very short-term mortgage loan that is for 5 years, and the term is 3/1 ARM, and which means that the rate of interest will remain fixed for 3 years and after that rate of interest shall change for the remaining of the term annually. A teaser rate provides a great opportunity to pay lower monthly mortgage payments for the first few months (or years) of the loan. The savings can be rather considerable depending on the actual interest rate of the mortgage product versus the teaser rate. Let’s look at an example of a teaser rate: Home Equity Line of Credit Prime rate: 4.50%.

Our Teaser Calculator allows you to select up to 9 teams in a teaser bet. Select the Teaser Type from the dropdown below. Select either Spread or Total under “Line Type”. Select the sports under “Sport Type”. A teaser is a bet that includes two or more teams with bonus points to use on the point spread or total at a reduced payout. Like parlays, you must win every bet inside of your teaser for it to be a winning wager. The formula used to calculate that data is risk divided by return. The return is the amount your risk plus the amount you win.

A “teaser rate” is a low, introductory interest rate that is typically offered for the first few months as an incentive to choose a certain mortgage program. The concept is somewhat similar to offers you see for 0% APR credit cards.

Teaser rates are common in adjustable-rate mortgages, as most are now hybrid ARMs. In other words, they’re fixed for a certain period of time before becoming adjustable.

What Is a Teaser Rate?

  • It’s a short-term promotional interest rate
  • That is fully-amortizing, but potentially lower than the fully-indexed rate
  • Designed to lure borrowers into a certain loan program
  • Just watch out for that initial rate adjustment!

A common example is the 5/1 ARM, which comes with a teaser rate for the first five years of the mortgage term before becoming an annually adjustable-rate mortgage.

During those five years, you’re essentially getting a “discount” for taking on the risk of a loan that will eventually become adjustable.

TeaserTeaser hedge calculator

Banks and lenders are essentially banking on you getting stuck with a higher mortgage rate later down the line. Of course, your rate may adjust higher OR lower, so it’s not a defined risk.

Many home equity lines also come with teaser rate specials, such as 1% below prime for the first three months, or prime minus 2% for the first six months.

These teaser rates are limited in the length of time that they’re offered, but are not considered negative amortization, despite being offered below the actual interest rate.

This contrasts the 1% start rate commonly found on option arms, which aren’t really teaser rates at all.

With an option arm, you’re essentially making a payment that doesn’t satisfy the total amount of interest due each month, which leads to that interest being tacked onto the principal balance.

These types of loans are very dangerous, especially if home prices fall and you find yourself stuck with an underwater mortgage.

Teaser Rates Provide Mortgage Payment Relief

  • Banks and lenders offer teaser rates to get borrowers in the door
  • While they can provide monthly payment relief initially
  • The low rate is only temporary and subject to adjust much higher
  • Be careful when considering a low rate that is only good for a few months or years

A teaser rate provides a great opportunity to pay lower monthly mortgage payments for the first few months (or years) of the loan. The savings can be rather considerable depending on the actual interest rate of the mortgage product versus the teaser rate.


Let’s look at an example of a teaser rate:

Home Equity Line of Credit
Prime rate: 4.50%
Margin: 2.25
Teaser rate: 1% below prime for first 3 months

Remember Your Actual Interest Rate!

3 Team 10 Point Teaser Payout

  • While a teaser rate may be tempting and save you some money
  • The benefit will be short-lived and may require a refinance
  • Consider how long you’ll keep the loan and/or the property
  • To determine if a teaser rate is the way to go

Your actual interest rate is 6.75%, or prime plus the 2.25 margin. But for the first three months, the bank or lender will offer an interest rate of 3.50%.

10 Point Teaser Calculator

This lower teaser rate, designed to draw you in the door, can amount to substantial savings, and though you’re paying less than your actual interest rate, the loan is not amortizing negatively.

Teaser Calculator

In other words, you won’t owe that money back later since the teaser rate is treated as the fully-indexed interest rate for the few months it is offered. This is a pretty important distinction, so make sure you know what is actually being offered.

The same goes with a 3/1 or 5/1 ARM, where you get a discounted rate for the first three or five years before the rate is determined using the margin and corresponding mortgage index. During those years, you can save a lot of money versus a 30-year mortgage rate.

When shopping for a mortgage, always keep your eye out for teaser rates, as they can save you a ton of money. But don’t be fooled into thinking you can pay less forever. And don’t choose a mortgage program based on its teaser rate alone.

Eventually the interest rate will rise, and the payment shock could take you by surprise, or end up costing you more than a fixed-rate mortgage option would have.

6 Point Teaser Payouts

Tip: There shouldn’t be an adjustment to fee for a teaser rate, but it may reduce the rebate the bank or mortgage broker will receive.

10 Point Teaser Odds

And you may be able to secure a slightly lower margin if you opt-out of the teaser rate. But many teaser rates can provide savings that will prove more valuable than a small difference in margin.