Why Is Hockey Popular In Canada

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The pace of the game is incredibly fast. The pace of a hockey game is far different than any other. Ice hockey, simply referred to as hockey in both English and French in Canada, dates back to the 19th century. The sport is very popular and played year-round and at every level in the country. Born of various influences from stick-and-ball games brought from the United Kingdom and indigenous games, the contemporary sport of ice hockey originated in Montreal. It is the official national winter sport of. For players aged three to 17, basketball ranks as the third most popular team sport in Canada, behind soccer and hockey, with 354,000 participants, according the 2014 Youth Sports Report.

Why Is Hockey Popular In CanadaHockey

There are a good number of reasons why hockey is so popular in Canada.


The Perfect Environment

Why Is Hockey Popular In Canada
  • One of the reasons hockey has become so popular in Canada is because there are ample opportunities for those who enjoy the game. There are many different leagues at all levels. The kids start at a very young age and can move up in the ranks. Many of them aspire to be NHL players one day.
  • Hockey is very much popular in Canada, and when it comes to Vancouver specifically, yes as well. The Vancouver Canucks represent Vancouver in the National Hockey League, and why Vancouver in the NHL? Most likely because of the populous’ love of hockey. So based on this, yes, hockey is definitely popular in the city of Vancouver.

The winters are long and cold in Canada and this meant finding some outdoor activities that would allow Canadians to get some exercise. Hockey was a perfect choice because there was plenty of ice to take advantage of. This ranges from backyard rinks to full professional ice surfaces.

The Sport

Canadians are very prone to enjoying team sports. Hockey has always been one of these that is always at the top of the list. The game is participated in at both the amateur and professional levels. Canadian women have made a name for themselves in this area as well.

Why Is Hockey Popular In Canada


One of the reasons hockey has become so popular in Canada is because there are ample opportunities for those who enjoy the game. There are many different leagues at all levels. The kids start at a very young age and can move up in the ranks. Many of them aspire to be NHL players one day. Talent scouts for all the teams watch these kids closely as they progress through the years. This is how they can become a draft pick that can lead them to a career in hockey.

The Fans

While a great deal of credit goes to the players and the organizers of the game a lot of credit also has to go to the fans. They are the ones that support the game and determine how popular it is. The seats for the Toronto Maple Leafs are extremely hard to come by and this is just one example of how important the fans are to the game.

Aside from pro hockey, the game itself is popular among the kids that just want to head to the local ice rink so they can enjoy the game with their friends.